Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010!

Well, Merry Christmas to anyone who might actually read this blog, even if you read it after Christmas 2010.  We are celebrating this Christmas in parts as seems to be the custom of late.  Our relatives are coming down from South Carolina, but not until the New Year, so we'll celebrate second Christmas then.  We were planning on going to a  Christmas Eve service last night at a local Episcopal church but by the time eleven o'clock rolled around we had lost all motivation so we ended up skipping out.

One of the reasons I always enjoy Christmas is because it is the one day of the year that my wife actually gets up early in the morning in order to open gifts!  She is usually a night owl and I am the early bird.  But on Christmas morning, we find unity, all because of the many presents that Santa leaves under the tree!!  My wife received several books on Charleston, a toaster/convection oven, a New Orleans throw blanket, a box of Bignet mix from Cafe' Du Monde, and a 2005 commemorative stamp collector's book (along with all the commemorative stamps from 2005 of course!).   The dogs received a new dog pillow and some wonderful bones they are chewing away on (actually, I think they are pork rinds).  The cats have enjoyed hiding in the Christmas tree and chewing on ribbons now for several weeks!

So far I have made out like a bandit too.  I received 14 books already, including:  Decision Points by George Bush, Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan, a commentary on the Psalms by George Horne, The Faith and Values of Sarah Palin, Generals in Grey (a list and short paragraphs on every one of the confederate generals), two Jeffrey Archer books (First Among Equals and Shall We Tell the President), Crimes Against Liberty by David Limbaugh, 7 Events that Made America Great, The Real George Washington, A Hero Found (about the greatest POW escape in Vietnam, made by a Navy pilot of course), the latest Bonhoeffer biography, and Annotations on the Pentateuch and the Psalms (2 Volumes by Henry Ainsworth).  I also received the game Cranium (my wife and I love board games, we are way old school!). And, of course, I received lots of new T-shirts and undies along with a personal grooming kit!  It is real easy to lose track of personal hygiene when you have to read all those books!  So, I am quite excited as you might imagine.  That is enough books to fill up another whole shelf (my wife is already upset about that one!).  Well, I'll end this entry on a funny note I guess.  When I looked at the jacket of the 2 Volumes on the Pentateuch and Psalms, it had a recommendation by Charles Spurgeon that says, "Thoroughly learned.  Though old, not out of date."  If it was old to Spurgeon, that must mean it is really good stuff right?  My wife and I laughed at that one.  No wonder I am such a dinosaur.   Well, have a Merry Christmas!!

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