Monday, December 27, 2010

On Being a Morning Person

Here it is on the morning two days after Christmas and I am entering another blog.  As I was laying in bed I began to think about a gazillion things, and it dawned  on me that the ability to blog is one way to get all those thoughts out of my head so I don't forget them.  My first few thoughts were about America, and my intent was to blog on that topic.  Actually, before that I was thinking about writing a book called On Christian Worship which then digressed into thoughts on America, and eventually morphed into thoughts on being a morning person, and being ADD.

So, I am definitely a morning person.  What that means is that my mind is going at light speed when I first get up, but by the end of the day I am pretty much spent, intellectually speaking.  Why is it that some people are morning people, and some tend to be more alive at night?  It really is quite interesting if you think about it.  There are lots of possible reasons, but all we really know is that God made us all different. (By the way, I am working on the whole comma thing, because one thing blogging has made me realize is how atrocious my grammar has become.  I'll blame email and sheer laziness, but there really is no excuse.)  Let's look at my own case as to why certain people are morning people, and we'll look at my wife as an example of a night owl.  I think there are several indicators as to why I am an early bird.  No, it is not that I like worms.  I actually think that it is partly to do with my dreams.  I don't generally remember my dreams, but my guess is that I am quite an active dreamer.  I think it probably also has to do with my habit of picking up a book and reading a bit before I go to bed.  And, for me, reading is all about thinking and connecting the dots (I think that is what we used to call reflecting, but I don't know if that word exists any more in the english language): ).  So, when I go to bed and my body is tired, my mind is filled up with all these new thoughts.  Thus, the reason I think I must dream a lot.  Perhaps it is also why I am such a light sleeper.  Regardless, it seems that when I get up in the morning my thoughts are running wild.  It is sort of like ADD on steroids.  (Maybe if more doctors, teachers, and parents took into account that some kids are just more active in the morning we wouldn't have all those kids running around on drugs to calm their happy butts down.  Perhaps, instead, we should put the grumpy teachers on a happy pill instead of giving our kids downers.   Once again, I digress.)

Just another thought here before moving on to night owls.  I recently read a book called A Praying Life.  I actually couldn't finish it.  Not because the content was necessarily bad, although there was some questionable material.  My biggest problem with the book was that I felt like the author was ADD in his writing.  I mean, the book just kind of wandered along, and the lack of structure just drove me a bit crazy.  Then, as I started this blog, it dawned on me that it is just so much easier to write a book these days. Anyone can get their material published.  And, anyone can blog.  I mean, after all, who would actually want someone with an english degree or a basic college education to write a book right?  We live in the world of American Idol.  Anyone can become a star.  Solomon once said that "Of making of many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh".  Imagine if he lived in our day and witnessed all the crappola that is put out in droves?  I am tired just thinking about it too.  Someone else gave me a book written by a Navy Chief on finding God in the desert.  I have nothing against the chief, but his book was pretty much the same as A Praying Life.  Only it left  much more to be desired in terms of content.  I guess people think that if they can blog, well, why not write a book?

I wonder if this has also impacted how we worship.  After all, anyone can pick up an instrument and learn to play guitar, right?  Anyone can sing?  So, let's just get all these people who have these "gifts" (who cares if they actually worked at perfecting their skills or displayed the fruit of the Spirit in this regard) and put them in front of the church to lead worship.  The same goes for crappy preachers, crappy elders, and on down the line.   Anyone who wants to use their "gifts" come on up to the altar and give it all to Jesus! It never dawned on this modern generation that there are some things that even Jesus might turn down, like, for example, a lamb with blemishes! But, of all the "giftedness" of the modern church, the worst, in my opinion, is the American Idol Worship Leader.  And we are not talking top ten week here, but rather more like week one of American Idol.  You know, the weeks where they have people like "pants on the floor" man, and every person who absolutely can't sing but thinks they can.  Talk about the human capacity for self-deception!  I just can't imagine how God can be pleased with this American Idol trend in the modern church.  I say fire all the American Idol Worship Leaders and let's just sing a cappella.

Okay, let's get back to night owls.  My wife, being a night owl, just really doesn't want to talk too much first thing in the morning.  I think she gets her energy throughout the day by observing life.  That takes being awake and aware of your surroundings.  The more she takes in throughout the day, the more energy she gets.  Then, by about midnight, her mind is going a mile a minute.  I usually don't get to witness this event, because I am already passed out in bed way before then.  So, perhaps my wife is the more creative and observant one.  I, on the other hand, have to get my ideas from books.  So, what about you?  Are you an early bird or a night owl?  (I'll have to do another entry on America later): )

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