Thursday, December 23, 2010

Why the Title?

Well, here I am completing my first post on this new blog and I really have no idea what I am doing.  Actually, my wife talked me into this idea in the first place.  I am a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to technology and never imagined myself having a blog, but welcome to the 21st Century!

So, I thought I would open by explaining how I chose the title of my blog.  I suppose the title has more to do with my interests than anything else.  Books are certainly one of my interests.  By that I mean not so much collecting ancient manuscripts or texts so much as the vast expanse of truth and experiences that can be found in the writings of others.   I have loved books from my earliest days and I suspect my interest will continue on into old age if I should be blessed with four score years and the vision to still be reading.  I used to read books to my grandmother who reared me from the time I was about 7 or so.  I still remember reading to her Tales of a Fifth Grade Nothing and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.  I remember laughing hysterically at some of the crazy scenes depicted in these simple books.  Perhaps my love of books was really a love of stories, at least initially.  My family, perhaps like yours, is a story telling family.  My grandma had so many amazing stories from her life that always enthralled me.  And, of course, as I grew older I realized that I played a role in many of those stories and they became my own.  We seem to never tire of telling stories.  In fact, whenever the family gets together that is mostly what we do is tell stories.  And, more often than not, those stories tend to be a little on the ridiculous and humorous side and they grow funnier and funnier the more they are told.  So, early on I had an appreciation for a good story.  Other early favorites included Where the Red Fern Grows, Watership Down, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings,  and The Grapes of Wrath.  I seemed to gravitate towards history a lot, so much so that at one point I remember simply reading through sections of the Encyclopedia at my aunt and uncle's house.  How is that for nerdy?  Eventually, my interest in books expanded and today my basic interests are history, theology, culture, and politics.  But that is not to say that I don't have other interests as well, but my interests always seem to be coming back to the basic and profound questions of human existence and trying live a life pleasing to God in a world broken by sin.  That is the challenge of every Christian of course and one that we are fools to believe we are the only generation to ever have to deal with.  Which leads me to my choice of bologna in the title...

Bologna is not only a reflection of my love for food but is used primarily metaphorically for all the stuff you find out there that just doesn't pass the smell test or the common sense test.  In my family we used bologna as a term for calling someone out on the carpet who was being less than honest.  "That is a bunch of bologna" was a common saying in our home.  Bologna can be a complaint regarding a perceived injustice as well.  For example, you might say "I got a bad grade today on a test but the question was a bologna question that shouldn't have been on the test" or "the verdict at the O.J. Simpson trial was bologna".  Of course, we also used more colorful terms growing up but not in the presence of adults lest we get scolded for bad language.  So, bologna is a wonderful term for all the lies and injustices that we encounter living in this broken and sinful world and sometimes all we can do in response is call it what it is - BOLOGNA!

Then there is Buckwheat.  Now, what in the world does Buckwheat have to do with bologna and books you might ask?  Well, actually, not a whole lot, which is precisely why it is a perfect fit in the title of this blog.  My intention is not just to write and post about books and bologna but any other random things that happen to come up in life as I continue along my pilgrimage.  Buckwheat was not only perhaps my favorite Little Rascals character but I especially loved the Eddie Murphy rendition on SNL.  So, perhaps adding Buckwheat to the title is a simple reminder to myself that while there is certainly much to be serious about in life God has also given us simple pleasures and laughter/humor is chief among them.  Having fun, while it can become an idol and certainly is one of the many idols of our 21st century American culture, can still be an integral and essential part of our human experience.  In my family, having fun and laughing are not optional.  In point of fact, I think life would be quite boring and miserable without a little laughter every now and then.  I have found it to be true that laughter is indeed the best medicine.  So, for example, even though I can't stand the current liberal political philosophy that prevails in Washington and see it as the potential destruction of this wonderful republic that I love, I have to laugh at some of the ridiculous things that happen on the political front.  Watching Robert Gibbs dance around questions can be quite comical while at the same time distressing because of the real harm that the policies he represents have inflicted and will inflict on the American people.

So, we'll see where this goes.   You never know if you'll get books, bologna, or Buckwheat, but I hope this blog will at least be interesting and warrant a few people actually checking it from time to time.

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